• Personal

    Setting a daily writing goal

    I used to be a really fast writer. Prolific even. Writing more than 1000 words a day was nothing for me. Especially when I used to commute to London on the train, I’d easily clock between 1500 and 2000 words a day. I didn’t really think much of it, to be honest. It was just the way I wrote.

    And then came the pandemic and I really struggled writing. I participated in – and finished – NaNoWriMo last November, but it was a really struggle to sit down and write the words every day.

  • Review

    The Miseducation of Evie Epworth by Matson Taylor

    Book cover for The Miseducation of Evie EpworthSummary

    From the back of The Miseducation of Evie Epworth:

    July, 1962

    Sixteen year-old Evie Epworth stands on the cusp of womanhood. But what kind of a woman will she become?

    The fastest milk bottle-delivery girl in East Yorkshire, Evie is tall as a tree and hot as the desert sand. She dreams of an independent life lived under the bright lights of London (or Leeds). The two posters of Adam Faith on her bedroom wall (‘brooding Adam’ and ‘sophisticated Adam’) offer wise counsel about a future beyond rural East Yorkshire. Her role models are Charlotte Bronte, Shirley MacLaine and the Queen. But, before she can decide on a career, she must first deal with the malign presence of her future step-mother, the manipulative and money-grubbing Christine.

  • Review

    The Billionaire Needs a Bodyguard by Ravina Hilliard

    The Billionaire Needs a BodyguardSummary

    From the back of The Billionaire Needs a Bodyguard:

    Desire is the deadliest weapon…
    Alexandra “Lex” Granger surrounds herself with wealthy, powerful businessmen. But she’s no gold-digger… She’s a highly trained private security consultant. And she gives the term ‘undercover’ new meaning when she poses as a high-priced escort to protect her new client, Michael Thornton.

    There’s just one problem with her plan… 

    Michael doesn’t know the truth. Despite the death threats he’s received, the last thing this handsome billionaire wants is a bodyguard. He’s convinced Lex is really a grifter, a femme fatale who scams rich men for everything that she can get. But before the assignment even begins in earnest, sparks fly and their mutual attraction threatens to distract Liz from doing her job. And she can’t have that, can she?

    Even as they flirt with danger in the romantic city of Copenhagen, Lex and Mike embark on a turbulent affair. And Mike realizes that his seductive guardian has awakened a passion in him unlike anything he’s ever felt before. Lex has always lived by one rule – never fall in love with the client. But trapped between temptation and danger, she’s about to put that rule to the ultimate test…

  • Personal

    Reflections on 2020 and goals for 2021

    2020 is finally coming to an end. It’s been a horrible year what with the pandemic and everything. But among the bad, there were also a lot of good things. I want to focus on the good.


    In 2020, my novel The Calm I Seek finally came out! I’ve been working on that novel for four years and it’s such a great feeling that it’s out in the world now. It’s been getting fantastic reviews on Goodreads and Amazon.com, but weirdly, it hasn’t been selling that well in the UK. Maybe because it’s an inspirational romance, which many agents warned me doesn’t sell that well in the UK. I’m not particular about what country it sells well in, I’m just happy that it’s been given a good start in life.

  • Review

    Salt + Stilettos by Janet Walden-West


    From the back of Salt + Stilettos:

    Trading her red-dirt roots for the title of Miami’s go-to image consultant, Brett Fontaine refuses to let anything jeopardize her new life.

    …Not an influential client-turned-stalker who’s up for parole…

    …Not post-kidnapping panic attacks…

    …And certainly not the stubborn, attention-phobic chef with the tempting tataus she’s been challenged to transform into a celeb in ninety days.

  • Personal

    Writing regularly during NaNoWriMo

    I won NaNoWriMo!

    Despite my personal challenges this year, I decided to join NaNoWriMo again this year. I’ve done it for nine years in a row and really didn’t want to miss this year. I figured, even if I didn’t win, I would have written a good chunk of my new novel.

    Thanks to the unwavering support of my wonderful Nano buddies on Twitter, and the novel writing support group of the ACFW, I was able to win NaNoWriMo again this year! I built up a bit of a buffer in the beginning, as I had surgery in the third week, which really helped. After my surgery, I had more non-writing days than I had hoped, but I still managed to finish a day early.

  • Personal

    Publication day for The Calm I Seek

    Today is publication day for The Calm I Seek. I’ve never been so excited in my life! Publishing a book has been a life-long dream of me and now, finally, after nearly 9 years of writing novels, it’s finally become a reality. Please bear with me as I squee a little.

    The journey to publication has not been an easy one. Getting published is a privilege, in that you need connection, money, time and luck to be able to get your book out there. Merely writing a book isn’t good enough. Agents and publishers receive so many queries, that only the very best, and the most polished ones will stand a chance. Your book also has to fit into very narrowly defined commercial categories or it will be deemed unsellable and will be passed over by publishers.

  • Personal

    The Calm I Seek

    I have very exciting news! After years of writing and editing, I’m thrilled to announce that my novel, The Calm I Seek is going to be published on 26 November 2020. It’s been a long time coming, but all my hard work has paid off.

    The Calm I Seek is an inspirational novel set in the UK.

  • Author interview

    Interview with Kiley Dunbar

    Today I’m welcoming romance author Kiley Dunbar to my blog. I’m so excited to have been able to interview Kiley. To be honest, I interviewed her a while back, but then life took over and I didn’t have a chance to post this until now. Sorry, Kiley!

    Kiley Dunbar is a Scottish author living in Northern England with her family. She writes romantic novels set in beautiful places for Hera Books. She’s a Christmas addict and loves to travel and is always on the lookout for her next dream destination.